Sunday, January 11, 2009

Happy New Year!

It time again to start anew with resolutions for 2009. It's only January 11th and I've broken most of my resolutions. How about you?

There is one that I haven't broken . . . the one where I refuse to grow (or look) older. We can't stop the clock, obviously. . . but there are ways to slow down the aging process. Some people have good genes, and appear to age slower. Others have to work harder at keeping their youthful appearance. People who spend a lot of time outdoors might want to take into consideration the increased risk of, not only skin cancer, but wrinkles!

It would be dishonest if I told you I'm applying a full-spectrum sunblock everytime I go out in the Winter. I don't ski, and you won't find me outside skating or snow boarding. If I did enjoy these outdoor activities, I'd be sure to apply sunblock with an SPF of 15. However, I do wear a hat, chapstick (w/SPF 15 sunblock) and usually sunglasses.

Diane, from the Bay Area, recently commented on a December post where she thought it would be a good idea to start applying sunblock before skiing to avoid old, leather skin! I couldn't have said it better. Diane is right on the money. Having a healthy respect for the sun and applying sunblock makes good sense. There are sunblocks that are not greasy. Diane, let me suggest that you check out the products at Try the handy, pocket-sized spray pump, which you can carry with you while skiing. I know you will find this sunblock dries quickly, without leaving your skin feeling greasy.

Keep your resolution simple for 2009. Apply Sunscreen, avoid sunburns, keep yourself youthful and dewy.

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